Inovo Robotics is developing a low-cost collaborative robot (“cobot”) that can integrate into existing workforce processes. Inovo’s modular design means the cobot can be easily adapted to varying customer requirements. FWT has invested a total of £2.9 million into Inovo with its first investment in November 2018.
Henry Wood and Jonathan Cheung, previously senior engineers at Northrop Grumman, founded Inovo in 2016. Both founders possess deep technical expertise and experience of delivering complex engineering development projects and, between them, they have more than 30 years of combined experience in robotics and engineering. WAE and Inovo are exploring collaboration in areas such as design and development of the electric motor and transmission of the cobot as well as thermal modelling of the drivetrain.
Inovo came into its own in the pandemic, where its technology was used to help develop and rapidly deliver low-cost rapid diagnostic test kits, in partnership with Brunel, Lancaster and Surrey University. The flexibility of its robotics technology helped was key to the quick deployment that helped to make the test kits widely available.
More information on Inovo Robotics is available at