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Aerodynamics and Thermodynamics

Creating Opportunity and Advantage

Aerodynamics and Thermodynamics

We are unique in our desire and ability to apply our knowhow from the top flight of motorsport. Our expertise in aerodynamics, thermodynamics and high-level simulation creates new opportunities for clients across sectors. Our skilled staff, cutting edge hardware and software, and speed of response accelerates the advantage we bring.

Aerodynamics & Thermodynamics Case Studies


Aerofoil Energy and WAE designed and developed the aerofoil with the task of delivering energy savings. Inspired by aerodynamics in ... Find out more

Singer dynamic and lightweight study
Singer dynamic and lightweight study

In August 2017, Singer client and Porsche enthusiast Scott Blattner, requested light-weighting and high-performance enhancements for ... Find out more

JCB Fastest Tractor
JCB Fastest Tractor

WAE were approached by JCB to support the aerodynamic element of a bold new project; to deliver the aerodynamics to beat the world ... Find out more

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